
Heal - Protect - Thrive

Please donate so PWF can continue to help victims of violent crimes.

PWF services are funded in part by donations from corporations and people like you. When you help us, we can help others. The Petrosino Personal Well-Being Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

To donate by mail:

Make your check payable to "Petrosino Personal Well-Being Foundation, Inc." and mail to:


P.O. Box 4711

Akron, OH 44310

Become a Sponsor

Your business can help victims of violent crime. Please consider donating to PWF's mission by becoming a sponsor. Your business can help victims to recover and lead a new life. We'll proudly display your company logo as a sponsor during a calendar year on our Home page in-kind.

Volunteer with PWF

Help make a difference in the lives of others. PWF is looking for people who care about victims of violent crimes to work occasionally as volunteers for event planning and setup, mailings and marketing campaigns, We also participate in community service programs. If you have an interest in PWF's mission, please give us a call.

All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Thank You!


208 East Cuyahoga Falls Avenue Akron, Ohio 44310


Email: Click here for email                     
Phone: (330) 929-0613